
Environmental problems arising from operation of industrial enterprises discuss in Sana ‘a

A meeting was held in Sana' a province on Tuesday to discuss aspects of environmental problems resulting from the work of a number of industrial facilities in the province.

The meeting was devoted to discussing remedies to protect the environment from risks and threats to society's health.

He referred to irregularities related to the operation of certain factories and measures to prevent their recurrence in accordance with health regulations and requirements in the laws in force to protect the environment from any miscellaneous repercussions and risks.

The meeting emphasized the need to disseminate to factories for possible remedies for the management of industrial production residues, machine performance, smells, smoke emission,s and health threats related to society's environment.

The meeting came up with a number of recommendations aimed at enhancing coordination between the environmental, municipal, investment and services sectors, industry offices, and the Environmental Protection Branch to ensure that the level of commitment of plants and target enterprises to the regulations, standards and requirements governing environmental action, pollution prevention and the reduction of irregularities is strengthened.

Source: Yemen News Agency