
Ministry of Fisheries condemns increasing Saudi violations against fishermen

The Ministry of Fisheries on Tuesday condemned the increasing Saudi violations against fishermen and the fish sector in Yemen.

In a statement, which the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) received a copy of it,the ministry denounced the Saudi forces’ kidnapping of 17 fishermen from Al-Harouniya area in Al-Muneera district of Hodeida province while they were working in the northern Yemeni fishing areas.

The statement indicated that the Saudi forces looted three fishing boats that were in the possession of the fishermen, coinciding with tightening the noose around them while fishing in Yemeni waters.

The fishermen arrived on Monday evening in Al-Luahya district, a week after they were kidnapped on the uninhabited island of Sana, according to the statement.

Source: Yemen News Agency