
President of Political Council decision of professional conduct adoption of the general blog document made

The President of the Supreme Political Council Resolution No. 35 of 1444 AH was issued on Sunday to adopt and issue the document of the general code of professional conduct and work ethics in public service units.

The resolution included seven articles as follows:

Article (1) The document of the general code of professional conduct and work ethics in public service units attached to this decision shall be approved and issued, and shall be enforced in all public service units.

Article (2) The Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance prepares evaluation forms for the level of application of the provisions of the Code, and such forms are issued by a decision of the Minister.

Article (3) All public service units are obligated to include the Code in their plans for the year 1444 AH and are subject to evaluation within the evaluation of the state’s general plan.

Article (4) All officials and employees of public service units are obligated to read and familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code, sign it and abide by its provisions when performing their work and performing their job duties.

Article (5) For public service units whose nature of work requires them, in accordance with the laws regulating their tasks, to issue a special supplement to the Code in coordination with the Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance, in accordance with the controls specified for that and in a manner that does not conflict with the provisions of the Code issued in this decision and the provisions of the laws in force.

Article (6) The competent regulatory bodies and the officials of the public service units shall monitor and follow up the level of compliance and work with the Code and impose disciplinary sanctions against those who violate its work and in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

Article (7) This decision shall come into force from the date of its issuance and shall be published with the blog attached to it in the Official Gazette.

Source: Yemen News Agency