La Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement s’offre une nouvelle identité pour devenir le Congrès AIM et prépare sa 13e édition qui se déroulera à Abou Dabi en mai 2024

ABOU DABI, Émirats arabes unis, 15 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sous la nouvelle étiquette de « Congrès AIM », le comité d’organisation de l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’investissement au monde accueillera cette année encore des dirigeants régionaux et internationaux, des décideurs d’élite et des pionniers à l’occasion de la 13e édition de la réunion annuelle […]

Encontro anual de investimentos anuncia nova identidade enquanto AIM Congress, em preparação para a 13.ª edição em Abu Dhabi, em maio de 2024

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sob a sua nova identidade enquanto “AIM Congress“, a comissão organizadora da plataforma de investimentos líder a nível mundial junta, mais uma vez, os líderes, pensadores e inovadores regionais e internacionais na 13.a edição do evento que irá ocorrer de 7 a 9 de […]

EU sanctions Iran for 10th time over human rights violations

The European Union Friday imposed a tenth package of sanctions on four individuals and six entities responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran.Today’s listings include the Deputy to the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guar…

Experts join together for 16th pharmaceutical conference

Workers in pharmaceuticals met for the sixteenth pharmaceutical conference titled: “Pharmacy in the second centenary: a future vision” on Thursday. Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, Palestine, Lebanon, the UK, the US, India and Austra…

Hurricane Daniel kills 5,000, displaces 38,000 in Libya

The International Organisation for Migration in Libya announced Friday that more than 38,640 thousand people were displaced from the most affected areas in northeastern Libya due to Hurricane Daniel. The organisation stated on X website (formerly Twit…

FM meets UK amb. to Kuwait

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received Friday UK Ambassador to the country Belinda Lewis.The historic bilateral relations and means to develop them on all levels, in addition to latest regional and international s…