Amran experiences mas rally on anniversary of al-Sarkha

Participants in the march raised the slogan of al-Sarkha, the slogans of freedom, and the boycott of the uS and Israeli goods.

The Participants chanted slogans of innocence from the nation's enemies that reject the US and Israeli politics and their adherence to the options of steadfastness in the face of aggression until an honorable victory is achieved.

Speeches were delivered and pointed out that the slogan united the nation and united its word in confronting the project of hegemony and arrogance led by the US, Israel and the puppet regimes in the Arab world.

They reviewed stations from the life of martyr leader Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi and the stages of announcing al-Sarkha in the face of the arrogant, noting that the slogan launched by the martyr leader did not come out of nowhere, but rather because of the injustice and oppression that the arrogant powers are witnessing in the Islamic world.

A statement issued by the march affirmed that the Quranic project is a project of renaissance, building, liberation, strength and pride, and is the solution and way out for the nation in confronting its enemies.

It pointed out that the slogan is a weapon and a stand against the enemies of Allah, and that it is a practical response to Allaha's commands to disavow his enemies, reiterating the firm stance towards the nation's issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause, and the Yemeni people's support for the jihad and resistance movements in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and other Islamic countries.

The statement pointed out that the Yemeni people will not be silent on the continuation of the aggression, siege, occupation and plundering of national wealth, and will confront the forces of aggression with all strength, firmness and determination.

Source: Yemen News Agency

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