Protest rally in Hodeida confirms mobilization, solidarity with palestine

A rally was organized in the Ras Issa area of Al-Salif district in Hodeida province on Tuesday to declare mobilization in the face of US-British aggression and to emphasize continued solidarity with the Palestinian people and resistance. Participants in the sit-in, which was led by the commander of the northern axis, Major General Fadel Al-Diyani, the director of the district, Abdul Rahim Al-Shami, and the mobilization official Abdulaziz Al-Harouni, chanted slogans of solidarity and stressed readiness for jihad and participation in defending Yemeni sovereignty and strengthening the position of supporting the Palestinian people. The participants declared the absolute mandate and support for all the decisions of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, expressing pride and pride in all his sincere positions that culminate in the operations of the armed forces to deter the forces of global arrogance America and Britain. They praised these exceptional and courageous positions, w hich reflect the fulfillment of the commitments of the Yemeni leadership, government and people towards the Palestinian people, and a practical translation of the level of solidarity with the Palestinian cause, which represents the central and central issue of the nation's people. Source: Yemen News Agency