Justice minister stresses importance of steadfastness program in thwarting aggression’s plots

Minister of Justice Judge Nabil al-Azzani on Tuesday stressed the importance of the National steadfastness Program and the objectives it includes to enhance the stability of the Yemeni people in the face of aggression and its conspiracies.

During an event organized by Jaid Secondary School in Rada’a district in Bayda province, minister al-Azzani indicated that the steadfastness program comes as a translation of the directives of leader of the revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi and President of the Supreme Political Council Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat to thwart the aggression’s plans that target the social fabric and national unity.

Al-Azzani pointed out that this event coincided with the anniversary of martyr leader Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi and the anniversary of the martyrdom of President al-Sammad as two important stations to inspire the meanings of sacrifice and steadfastness on the right stance.

The Justice Minister called for adherence to the faith identity and national values through which a generation capable of facing all challenges can be built, pointing out that the steadfastness of the educational front is an extension of the army's victories in the fields of pride.

He appreciated the steadfastness of teachers and their continued performance of their duties, overcoming the difficult conditions imposed by the aggression and the blockade, pointing out that the aggression sought to stop the educational process by targeting educational facilities, educational staff and students.

Source: Yemen News Agency

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